Kill Team: Shadowvaults and Citadel Tools: New Releases Up For Pre-order | Nerdmire News
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Kill Team: Shadowvaults and Citadel Tools: New Releases Up For Pre-order | Nerdmire News

This week we're getting a new Kill Team expansion continuing the story of Into The Dark with two new Kill Teams, new terrain, and much more, we're also getting new releases from Citadel Tools with new and updated tools to use on your minis, all up for pre-order and will be out on October 22nd.

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Ages ago, when the great space hulk Gallowdark was lost in the warp, a group of Cadian Kasrkin unearthed a Xenos artefact but were also lost in the vastness of the warp, only for their ship to be attached to the space hulk, to the Kasrkin survivors and their Inquisitor it has only been a few years in the warp, but in reality, millennia have passed since their disappearance, worse yet, the original Necron owners of the artefact has awoken and seeks to reclaim what is theirs.

This Kill Team expansion set includes 18 miniatures making two full Kill Teams, the lost Cadian Kasrkin, 10 Elite Astra Militarum units, and 8 Necrons of the Heirotek Circle, the set also includes a 120-page Kill Team: Shadowvaults rules manual, 45 pieces of Killzone: Gallowdark terrain, and a double-sided game board.

Two sets of 20 swirled orange and black dice with white pips, one with the Kasrkin Kill Team icon, and the other with the Hierotek Circle icon on the 6-face.

A new set of Super Fine Detail Cutters from Citadel Tools, made to cut miniature components off their sprue with precision, with much thinner blades than in the previous version, and a big rubberized grip.

A new, redesigned Citadel Tools miniature drill (often called pin vice) meant for drilling very small holes in miniatures, a common example being drilling the barrels of miniature guns, designed with a larger grip than the previous version making it more comfortable to use while pressing to drill, and includes 4 bits in two different sizes.

A special tool made by Citadel Tools meant for scraping the mould lines off of miniature components that might be left over from the casting of the sprue, unlike the common method of using a hobby knife (or Exacto blade) to remove these, this tool is much safer to use, and won't result in the occasional large chunk taken out of your mini.

The new Mouldline Remover has a thinner and longer blade tip than the original, allowing you to get into more narrow places and a notch at the back of the blade that is made for rounding off bases.

A new hobby knife design from Citadel Tools, with specially designed safety features that include an ergonomic design with a shroud behind the blade, letting you put more pressure on the knife without your fingers slipping, a heavier back so that it is more likely to fall with the blade pointing upwards, and a blade cap, it also comes with a pack of 6 more replacement blades when the original gets dull.


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